Ordinal numbers, dates and months- learning them can be easy and fun! Liczebniki porządkowe, daty i miesiące. Ich nauka może być łatwa i przyjemna! Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń I have got two eyes . Learning about body parts i... A crime story- reviewing the present simple and th... Spring is here!!! Zerówka wita wiosnę! The Kindergarten Class taking part in a workshop w... Edukido- playing with robots. Edukido - robot łazi... Our pupils made posters inspired by the poem “Bird... An action organised by our school in order to show... Third Grade and „The Six Bullerby Children”. „Dzie... Having fun together! Our Kindergarten group. Szalo... Independent Poland- a photography contest organise... Reviewing addition from 1-100. Ćwiczymy dodawanie... A chess tournament our 7th Graders took part in. C... Grade 2 learning about what a liter, half a liter... Singing carols and meeting Santa. Spotkanie z Miko... The Kindergarten Class and their handmade birdhous... 4th graders prepared an English lesson for 1st gra...