No matter how old you are, each of us bears this date in their hearts! November the 11th . Warto, by każdy rozumiał jak ważny to dzień w historii Polski! 11 listopada jest w sercach Polaków . Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Poetry out loud-a school contest and little actors... Edukido- playing with robots. Edukido - robot łazi... Sports competitions girls from classes 1-3 took pa... Grade 2 depicting “Snow Queen”. Klasa 2 oraz ich p... Physics and experiments- because this way you lear... Butterflies and their work of art inspired by autu... Like a kid in a candy store. Jak ryby w wodzie. English is fun- do or does in practice. Angielski... 4th graders prepared an English lesson for 1st gra... Christmas Eve at school. Wigilie klasowe Measuring the force of gravity. Siła ciężkości - b... The Kindergarten Class already knows how important... A crime story- reviewing the present simple and th... Beautiful weather and running competition that we... Learning about different places in the town in a S... Animals, animal vocabulary and jobs. A German clas...