New school year is here! Witamy nowy rok szkolny! Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń The boys’ team and their 4th place in handball. Re... Grade 2 already knows where days come from. Klasa... St. Valentines. Walentynkowo. Math is interesting. Spatial relations and coding... Our pupils took part in a football tournament. Rep... St. Andrew's Day in The Kindergarten Class. A... Grade 2 programming. Klasa 2 programuje na informa... Arts & crafts. Zajęcia plastyczne. I have got two eyes . Learning about body parts i... 4th grade revises SOME and ANY using Keynote app a... Santa is here! Mikołaj odwiedził i nas! What do sugar, flour and salt have in common? Mąk... Our boys also did their best in handball and score... Our trip to London :) Wspomnienia z wycieczki do L... Origami mushrooms. Muchomorki z origami. Watching “Cinderella”. Spektakl teatralny „Kopciu...