My friend Picasso. Mój przyjaciel Picasso. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Because real memories never fade. Klasy 1-3 zapali... Learning English grammar can be fun. This time iPa... The Big Challenge- congratulations to all our pupi... How did you spend the winter break? Movies made in... 22 April, celebrating Earth Day. 22 kwietnia Dzie... My favourite book! Class 3 depicted their favourit... Sooo engaged in robotics. Robotyka pełną parą. A new school year. Wishing all our pupils all the... International Dot Day. Międzynarodowy Dzień Kropki... Class 3 and their presentations about mineral reso... Watching “Cinderella”. Spektakl teatralny „Kopciu... Winners of the School Mythology Contest. Congratul... Fashion show in a Spanish lesson. El gran evento d... Design technology in Grade 5. W pracowni technicz... Grade 1 and their Valentine Cards. Klasa 1 oraz ic... A competition our girls took part in. Sztafeta w b...