Measuring the force of gravity. Siła ciężkości - badamy, jak dużą siłą jest jeden niuton oraz zależność wartości ciężaru ciała od masy tego ciała. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Eager for knowledge, 5th Graders worked hard discu... NO FOR SMOG!!! We made a work of art for a contest... Edukido- playing with robots. Edukido - robot łazi... My typical day. Class 6 have made diaries about th... The Big Challenge- congratulations to all our pupi... A museum in Poznan visited virtually by Grade 1. K... The boys’ team and their 4th place in handball. Re... Grade 8 learning to play chess by programming robo... Beautiful weather and running competition that we... Arts and Crafts. Pupils will create different prop... Thanks to Erasmus + we’re with a visit to sunny Ir... Warsaw again. Centrum Nauki Kopernik i Stare Miast... Graders 7 & 8 watched a musical based on the b... First graders learning to code in their IT lesson.... Greek Gods and Goddesses sometimes agree or disagr... Auf Schatzsuche: Wir beschreiben den Weg zum verst...