“Live pictures” made by the Kindergarten Class. Żywe obrazki Zerówki. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Time to relax and rest- winter break is here! :))... Pan Tadeusz in the eyes of our pupils! Pan Tadeusz... Having fun together! Our Kindergarten group. Szalo... The Kindergarten Class made cards for World War II... Second Graders working hard in their English class... Mystery boxes created by Class 4- we got inspired... Lekcja plastyki w plenerze. An art lesson inspired... A workshop in the Sułkowski Castle that the Kinder... Colourful hedgehogs made by the Kindergarten Class... First Graders learning colours in English. Klasa 1... Quadrangles review in Grade 5. Matematyka klasa 5... Checking characteristics of potatoe starch. Badamy... Grade 6 learning about geographical discoveries. C... Love helping others . Kolejny braliśmy udział w ak... First Graders working very hard. Klasa pierwsza pi... Learning is pleasant, learning is fun- an English...