Learning to read the temperature. Odczytywanie wskazań temperatury na termometrze. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń A three days trip to Istebna. Wycieczka trzydniowa... What are they wearing? What have they got? Reviewi... How did you spend the winter break? Movies made in... Origami mushrooms. Muchomorki z origami. Learning measuring and maths with our favourite st... An action organised by our school in order to show... Bank robbery- a Spanish lesson with robots. El rob... Using cups in a music lesson. Wędrujące kubki podc... Together we can do so much more! Razem możemy więc... Little Dicoveres and their club made “pierogi” . K... Easter traditions in our school. Tradycje wielkano... Celebrating Women’s Day. Świętujemy Dzień Kobiet. First Graders learning about number 5 and acting a... Beautiful weather and running competition that we... Like a kid in a candy store. Jak ryby w wodzie. Learning is pleasant, learning is fun- an English...