Learning Maths creatively. Grade 3. Kreatywna matematyka w klasie 3. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Making Autumn pictures with ice cubes. Sensoplasty... Carnival is here! Karnawał! Lollipop workshops on the occasion of the Internat... Learning to code from early ages. Kodujemy od naj... Music Education with Dash the robot. Muzyka z Dash... Congratulations to all our Master Chefs!!! Gratul... Our Christmas Play. Jasełka. The Kindergarten Class made Christmas cards for wa... Colourful volcanoes made by The Kindergarten Class... On our way and in Banialuka theatre. Wczoraj w Ban... International Librarian’s Day. Międzynarodowy Dzie... Class 3 and their presentations about mineral reso... The most beautiful Christmas classroom contest. Ko... Citius-Altius-Fortius. Szybciej-wyżej-silniej brzm... Grade 5 solving riddles in their English class. L... A 4-day trio to Bałtów. Wycieczka czterodniowa do...