Learning grammar with fun! Uczymy się gramatyki z przyjemnością! Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Getting ready for the Christmas charity action. Pr... The Kindergarten Class celebrating St. Andrew’s Da... Happy Teacher’s Day from Butterflies. Motylki świę... FloJaMo. International LEGO Day. Międzynarodowy Dzień Klock... The Oscars or rather The Apples, ceremony on the o... Dressing up changes the way you look but doesn’t c... First Graders and their parrots. Klasa pierwsza wy... Sensory art- in the world of senses- making pumpki... List of Polish monarchs made by Class 3. Poczet kr... Peer teaching in Grade 1. Lekcja koleżeńska w klas... Carnival is here! Karnawał! Grade 1 and their first augmented reality projects... Christmas Songs, Carlos, gifts, joy and Christmas... The Owls making non-Newtonian fluid. Sówki robią... Visiting amazing Cavatina Hall and experiencing it...