Learning with fun makes our pupils remember things better. Grade 1 and their Math lesson. Nauka przez zabawę to coś, co lubimy najbardziej. Klasa 1 sprawnie dodaje i odejmuje. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń How's that possible that fleece is made of pl... Grade 5 and their notes concerning conditionals. N... Celebrating Independence Day. Świętujemy Odzyskani... Grade 1 creating their own music. Klasa 1 tworzy w... Everyone is welcome to walk through the door. Ther... Waiting for spring to come… Marzanno, marzanno ty... Our school trip to Warsaw. Łazienki, budynek sejmu... Love helping others . Kolejny braliśmy udział w ak... Christmas Eve that The Owls spent together. Wigili... A Spanish lesson about animals and prepositions of... Programming with Photons. Programujemy z Photonami... Sensory art in the Kindergarten Group. Sensoplast... First Graders reviewed body parts and clothes in E... Learning about different places in the town in a S... Who’s the strongest, the tallest or the shortest?... Klasy 1-3 w Zaczarowanym Lesie. Classes 1-3 on a s...