The Kindergarten Class programming Dash the robot. Zerówka i Dash w roli malarza. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń 8th Graders went through the first match in the to... Making Easter Eggs to help poor families! We love... Class 2 and their favourite numbers in augmented r... The Best Show- our carnival school contest. The B... Geometric shapes in Grade 1. Figury geometryczne... Collage inspirations from Grade 2. Kolażowe inspir... Grade 1 preparing gifts for their Grandmas and Gra... What would you do if you won a lottery? Conditiona... Drawing music. Zajęcia plastyczne. Malowanie muzy... Christmas Eve at school. Wigilie klasowe The world looks much better thanks to our pupils w... Pencil cases for Cameroon. An action organised by... An action organised by our school in order to show... A Geography lesson- 5 Graders took part in a sympo... Our Christmas Play. Jasełka. First Aid workshop with the Kindergarten Class. M...