The Kindergarten Class celebrating St. Andrew’s Day. Andrzejkowo w Zerówce. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Autumn soap made by the Kindergarten Class. Jesien... Sensory games with fake snow. Let it snow, let it... “Live pictures” made by the Kindergarten Class. Ży... Traveller’s Club- we visited Japan, wrote our name... Discussing and analysing a book 3rd Grade read. Tw... Arts & crafts. Zajęcia plastyczne. Time to relax and rest- winter break is here! :))... Handball- our pupils as Champions of Bielsko- Biał... Math is interesting. Spatial relations and coding... Learning English- all in one: listening activities... The Kindergarten Class celebrating Grandmother’s a... Getting ready for the Christmas charity action. Pr... A model based on “The Little Prince” made by Grade... No matter how old you are, each of us bears this d... Class 2 and their favourite numbers in augmented r... Winners of the School Mythology Contest. Congratul...