The Kindergarten Class celebrating Pizza Day. Zerówka świętowała Dzien Pizzy. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń My typical day. Class 6 have made diaries about th... Abstract art made by Class 3. Abstrakcjonizm na e... Christmas Eve at school. Wigilie klasowe An action organised by our school in order to show... A trip to the zoo- a project made by Grade 4 durin... Measuring the force of gravity. Siła ciężkości - b... Watching our tomatoes grow. Dbamy o nasze pomidork... Learning with fun makes our pupils remember things... Lekcja plastyki w plenerze. An art lesson inspired... The Kindergarten Class programming Dash the robot.... Carnival masks made by our youngest pupils. Maski... Celebrating Women’s Day. Świętujemy Dzień Kobiet. List of Polish monarchs made by Class 3. Poczet kr... When Mum goes shopping There's just no sptopp... CodeWeek in the Kindergarten Group. CodeWeek w Zer... Fancy dress ball in the Kindergarten Class. Bal k...