The Kindergarten Class begins their adventure with the robots- Dash and Dot. Zerówka rozpoczyna przygodę z Dashem i Dotem. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń This time third graders teach our Kindergarten Cla... Drawing music. Zajęcia plastyczne. Malowanie muzy... Autumn trees made by the Kindergarten Class. Jesi... Taking the classes outside the classroom. A Spanis... Grade 6 making a selection of different big Europe... New school year is here! Witamy nowy rok szkolny! Learning English- all in one: listening activities... A museum in Poznan visited virtually by Grade 1. K... FloJaMo Give your students the topic, their imagination wi... Graders 7 & 8 watched a musical based on the b... Congratulations to all participants of the Nationw... Where does water found in rivers, lakes and oceans... Beautiful rainy pictures made by Grade 1. Praca pl... Quarter finals in handball. Congratulations to our... Telling the time is no longer a mystery! Zegar i p...