International Day of Foreign Languages. Światowy Dzień Języków Obcych. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Going to space. Ruszamy w kosmos. Another good news from Justyna. Congratulations! K... Autumn is beautiful! The Kindergarten Class enjoys... It’s summer time soon! Our students can already fe... The Kindergarten Class experimented with jumping e... Pupils wrote scripts,recorded and then edited thei... Reading books is inspiring! Trees with characters... Dressing up changes the way you look but doesn’t c... Waiting for spring to come… Marzanno, marzanno ty... The Kindergarten Class making their own puzzles. W... All Saint’s Day was a great opportunity to visit a... Flojamo workshops. Zajęcia Flojamo - Od Nowicjusza... Jak co roku, nasi Uczniowie znów przystąpili do eg... Class 2 learnt about different castles in Poland.... Easter is almost here! We cant wait!!! Zapach Wie... Gratulujemy Justynie z klasy 4, która w zeszłym ty...