Grades 2 & 3 have planted their own radishes. Now, they will look after them and watch them grow. Klasy 2 i 3 zasiały swoje rzodkiewki i będą obserwować ich wzrost oraz uczyć się, jak należy opiekować się roślinami. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń In the world of geometry. W świecie prostych prost... The Kindergarten Class taking part in a workshop w... Citius-Altius-Fortius. Szybciej-wyżej-silniej brzm... European Day of Languages organised by our Student... Grades 1 and 2 learning about the world’s most fam... Creative Maths in Grade 2. Kreatywna matematyka w... Halloween Celebrating the Teddy Bear Day in the Kindergarten... A chess tournament our 7th Graders took part in. C... A workshop with our favourite dentist! Warsztaty d... Class 1 and days of the week in English. Klasa pi... Apples dangle, ripe and sweet, crisp and juicy, su... First Graders learning about number 5 and acting a... Breakfast gives us soooo much power. Śniadanie daj... Physical Education. Wf w klasie 1. Congratulations to all contestants of the Sports D...