Grade 6 in the mountains. Wyprawa klasy 6 na Blatnią. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Where were you last summer? What did you do? Class... The Kindergarten Class looking for Spring. Zerówka... Who has the right of way. Grade 4 already knows. K... Peer teaching- students from Garde 5 teaching Grad... Stations that 8th Graders used to talk about a boo... Grammar can be fun - powtórka poznanych czasów pod... What do sugar, flour and salt have in common? Mąk... Grade 5 writing their own comic books. Klasa 5 stw... Third graders grow their beans :) Hodowla fasoli... A football tournament. Nasza szkoła awansowała do... Our teachers visiting Portugal to observe other te... There are many road signs, that we all must obey .... Physical Education. Wf w klasie 1. Class 1 and their German lesson about jobs. Was bi... Geometric shapes in Grade 1. Figury geometryczne... Cambridge English Qualifications- exams that make...