Grade 5 playing theatre in their Polish lesson. Piąta klasa bawi się w teatr na języku polskim. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń International Dot Day. Międzynarodowy Dzień Kropki... A Geography lesson- 5 Graders took part in a sympo... Sooo engaged in robotics. Robotyka pełną parą. The Student Council President and Class Presidents... Grade 1 learning colours in a German lesson. Die F... New Year’s fireworks made by Class 1. Sylwestrowe... Celebrating Women’s Day. Świętujemy Dzień Kobiet. Taking the classes outside the classroom. A Spanis... Butterflies already at school! Motylki witają zer... Learning to read the temperature. Odczytywanie ws... Winter mosaics made by The Kindergarten Class. Zim... Grade 6 making a selection of different big Europe... H for Halloween and Grade 1. H jak Halloween, klas... All the best to Grandmas and Grandads from the Kin... Autumn works of art made by The Kindergarten Class... Grade 5 prepared an assembly about spending the wi...