Grade 2 learning about what a liter, half a liter and a quarter are. Klasa 2 poznaje pojęcia „litr, pół litra i ćwierć litra.” Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Gifts for their Moms from Class 3. Klasa 3 wykonał... Where were you last summer? What did you do? Class... Grade 5 playing role of book characters who come u... Passive voice in English presented and explained b... Women's Day! Dzień Kobiet! Programming with Photons. Programujemy z Photonem. Physics and experiments- because this way you lear... Our pupils commemorated the anniversary of Warsaw... The Kindergarten Class made cards for World War II... Halloween traditions and vocabulary in a German le... Winter in a jar. Zerówka zaprasza na zimowy eksper... Reading books and talking about them can be exciti... Watching “Cinderella”. Spektakl teatralny „Kopciu... Learning about road signs. Poznajemy znaki drogow... Creative Maths in Grade 2. Kreatywna matematyka w... Carnival is here! Karnawał!