Going to space. Ruszamy w kosmos. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Posters advertising a movie based on a book Grade... Ordinal numbers, dates and months- learning them c... The Kindergarten Class begins their adventure with... First Graders reviewing colours and numbers in the... Celebrating European Day of Languages. Świętujemy... English in practice, learning can be fun. Używamy... Lap books based on a book we have read. Wykonujem... Carnival is here! Karnawał! The Kindergarten Class and their handmade birdhous... Jak co roku, nasi Uczniowie znów przystąpili do eg... The Owls working in groups. Praca w grupach Sówek. Dzień Edukacji Narodowej, uczniowie wcielili się... My typical day. Class 6 have made diaries about th... The Kindergarten Class in a theatre. “The next day... Halloween A model based on “The Little Prince” made by Grade...