Going to space. Ruszamy w kosmos. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń First Graders reviewing colours and numbers in the... List of Polish monarchs made by Class 3. Poczet kr... Physics in practice. Wyznaczamy gęstość substancji... The Kindergarten Class and their Valentine games.... Grade 2 and their favourite books. Klasa 2 omawia... “Don’t Cry, Little Goat” depicted in a short play... Workshops with FloJaMo. Sówki podczas warsztatów z... A play conducted by The Kindergarten Class for the... With iPads we can learn anywhere. Doing Math outdo... The Kindergarten Class experimented with jumping e... The Kindergarten Class, their ginger bread cookies... Measuring gravity. Fizyka - klasa 7. Doświadczenia... Sensory art- the Kindergarten Class playing with n... Master Chef- a contest organised by our school. Ma... Class 3 and their presentations about mineral reso... Playing in the snow. Zerówka bawi się na śniegu.