First Aid workshop with the Kindergarten Class. Mały Ratownik- Warsztaty Pierwszej Pomocy w zerówce. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Grade 5 writing their own comic books. Klasa 5 stw... Checking characteristics of potatoe starch. Badamy... First Graders and their parrots. Klasa pierwsza wy... Physics and experiments- because this way you lear... Celebrating Cartoon Character Day. Zerówka świętuj... Sports competitions girls from classes 1-3 took pa... Something our pupils always look forward to. Thurs... Eco bird feeders made by The Kindergarten Class. E... Spring hyacinths made by the Kindergarten Class.... International Dot Day. Międzynarodowy Dzień Kropki... PE is what we love. Nie ma to jak lekcja WFu. Assembly on the occasion of May the 3rd. Apel z ok... International Day of Foreign Languages. Światowy D... Measuring the force of gravity. Siła ciężkości - b... Zerówka zaprasza na Pajama Party. Come to my pajam... Grade 2 learning about what a liter, half a liter...