Eager for knowledge, 5th Graders worked hard discussing a book they had read. Poszukiwacze przygód z klasy 5a uzupełniają starożytną kartę pracy z lektury pt. „Skarb Troi”. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń I have got two eyes . Learning about body parts i... This lesson was conducted by our special guest and... The Best Show- our carnival school contest. The B... Chestnut Day and The Kindergarten Class making the... Our pupils commemorated the anniversary of Warsaw... Grade 5 solving riddles in their English class. L... Grade 8 and their geography lesson. Presenting Ken... Articles about fashion written in a German lesson... Butterflies already at school! Motylki witają zer... Our Pupils did great in another Cambridge English... The Kindergarten Class celebrating Halloween. Zeró... Cheerful creatures made by the Kindergarten Class.... The Owls working in groups. Praca w grupach Sówek. Learning to sew. Uczymy się szyć. Collage inspirations from Grade 2. Kolażowe inspir... An English class in Grade 2. Angielski w klasie 2.