Congratulations to all participants of the Nationwide English and Polish Contest MULTITEST. Gratulacje dla wszystkich uczestników Ogólnopolskiej Olimpiady z języka angielskiego oraz polskiego MULTITEST Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Pencil cases for Cameroon. An action organised by... Another School Newspaper being read. Kolejny nume... Women’s Day. Grade 2 preparing presents for their... First signs of spring. Winners of our photography... Like a kid in a candy store. Jak ryby w wodzie. Grade 7 learning about Physics. Fizyka w klasie 7.... Athletics for everyone! Lekkoatletyka dla każdego!... Santa is here! Mikołaj odwiedził i nas! The Kindergarten Class made cards for World War II... Assembly on the occasion of May the 3rd. Apel z ok... A trip to the zoo- a project made by Grade 4 durin... An action organised by our school in order to show... We all wish the lunch break, which is already an h... Taking the classes outside the classroom. A Spanis... Grade 3 and their Halloween decorations. Klasa 3 o... How does the brain work? Looking for an answer. Ja...