Communication, a very necessary skill. This time talking about last summer experiences. Na zajęciach komunikacji interpersonalnej dzieliliśmy się wrażeniami z minionych wakacji. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Congratulations- here are the winners of a school... Learning is pleasant, learning is fun- an English... A crime story- reviewing the present simple and th... Learning English with fresh air. Ipads give us fre... Arts and crafts- we moved to prehistoric times. Na... Halloween in a German lesson with Grade 1. Hallowe... Beautiful weather and running competition that we... With iPads we can learn anywhere. Doing Math outdo... Our pupils made posters inspired by the poem “Bird... Little engineers- The Owls. Sówki na zajęciach od... Spring hyacinths made by the Kindergarten Class.... Measuring gravity. Fizyka - klasa 7. Doświadczenia... Which one is heavier- water, oil or denaturated al... Christmas Eve that The Owls spent together. Wigili... Puppets made by Grade 3. Pacynki w wykonaniu klasy... Grade 2 doing Math! Klasa 2 uczy sie dodawać z pr...