CodeWeek in the Kindergarten Group. CodeWeek w Zerówce. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Origami mushrooms. Muchomorki z origami. Articles about fashion written in a German lesson... Los numeros- Class 3 reviews numbers from 1-20 in... Grade 2 learning about Roman numerals. Klasa 2 poz... Athletics for everyone! Lekkoatletyka dla każdego!... Second Graders working hard in their English class... Making Autumn pictures with ice cubes. Sensoplasty... Patriotic Autumn works of art. Jesienna patriotycz... Grade 1 preparing gifts for their Grandmas and Gra... Because real memories never fade. Klasy 1-3 zapali... First Graders and a theatre lesson where they unsc... Practicing telling the time. Ćwiczymy rozpoznawani... Butterflies and the chocolate lollipops for their... The Kindergarten Class, their ginger bread cookies... Drawing music. Zajęcia plastyczne. Malowanie muzy... “The Chronicles of Narnia”- Class 4 made posters,...