Class 7 working on their project called “Components of the air”. Klasa 7 i ich projekt- „Składniki powietrza”. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Time to relax and rest- winter break is here! :))... Uczniowie klasy 4 i 5 potrafią już bezpiecznie ucz... Grade 1 learning colours in a German lesson. Die F... Sensory art- in the world of senses- making pumpki... Who is stronger? Who’s the strongest? Learning com... Grade 1 preparing gifts for their Grandmas and Gra... Handmade gifts for our Grandmas and Grandads. Twor... Grade 3 learning Math with a board game. Gry matem... Learning to read the temperature from a thermomete... Congratulations to Justyna, our 5th Grader. She go... Christmas Songs, Carlos, gifts, joy and Christmas... Grade 8 making interviews in their English class.... An action organised by our school in order to show... Using ink and spots in Polish classes with Grade 4... Tom Sawyer depicted by Grade 6. Tomek Sawyer przed... The Student Council President and Class Presidents...