Checking characteristics of potatoe starch. Badamy właściwości skrobi ziemniaczanej. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Grade 5 made friends with Anne, main character of... A model based on “The Little Prince” made by Grade... Edukido- playing with robots. Edukido - robot łazi... Maths in a Spanish lesson. Las matemáticas. Winners of our School Language contest. Congratula... An English class about clothes in Grade 1. Lekcja... Happy Teacher’s Day from Butterflies. Motylki świę... Valentine bookmarks. Walentynkowe zakładki do ksią... International Day of Foreign Languages. Światowy D... An English Song Contest and its results. Congratul... An English class in Grade 2. Angielski w klasie 2. First Graders officially students of our School.... Peer teaching. Weronika, a 7th grade pupil teaches... Travelling around the world with Grade 4. Podróżuj... Grade 3 learning about the weather in a German les... The Kindergarten Class playing with coloured noodl...