An action organised by our school in order to show how important it is to eat healthy breakfast. Śniadanie daje moc! Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Traveller’s Club- we visited Japan, wrote our name... Learning to code from early ages. Kodujemy od naj... The Kindergarten Class started their Coding Club!... Lapbooks made by Grade 3. Lapbooki w wykonaniu kla... Grade 1 preparing gifts for their Grandmas and Gra... Carnival Ball in the Kindergarten Class Maths in a Spanish lesson. Las matemáticas. Lollipop workshops on the occasion of the Internat... International Dot Day. Międzynarodowy Dzień Kropki... Time to relax and rest- winter break is here! :))... Creative Maths in Grade 2. Kreatywna matematyka w... Origami mushrooms. Muchomorki z origami. Because we learn English in order to use it. Class... The Kindergarten Class and their Valentine games.... Pumpkin Day- coding and having loads of fun. Święt... Where does water found in rivers, lakes and oceans...